Guerrilla Gardening

During many months of last year, a telecommunications company used a grassed area outside our school as their base, which was used to hold equipment and a portacabin. The ground was just a patch of mud when they left. They had sown some grass seed but this was yet to show signs of growth. Some poppy plants has started to grow.

Our class decided that they would like to see this ground developed more, so it was attractive and friendly for wildlife. So with some donated wildflower seeds and some seed bombs from the BBC’s ‘The Green Planet’ support, we went out to do some guerrilla gardening. We mixed the wildflower seed so it would be easier to spread and also so it would help the seeds with a slight amount of cover.

The pupils spread the seed/compost far and wide, covering the whole area.

Then we spread out the seed bombs. Some decided to plant theirs; some decided to throw theirs and allow nature to take over and help them grow.
We are excited to see what will now grow in this area and what nature will visit as a result.

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